In this week’s episode, we talk about the latest installment in the Marvel Universe, FX’s new TV show “Legion,” which you may or may not know is an X-Men spinoff. In our second segment, in honor of Valentine’s Day, we’re going to get all mushy on you and share our top 3 favorite love stories. All of that, plus our favorite headlines of the week. We’ve got a lot to dork out about so let’s get this podcast started.
Topic 1: Review of FX’s Legion
Topic 2: Our Top 3 Favorite Love Stories
Chris’ Picks
Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett
Say Anything
La La Land
Honorable mention: Titanic, Casablanca, Notting Hill, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
Sonia’s Picks
When Harry Met Sally
Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen
The Before Trilogy: Before Sunrise, Before Sunset and Before Midnight
Honorable mention: Friday Night Lights (TV Show), The Thin Man
Favorite Headlines
Warner Bros. looking into early home video release for new movies
American Idol May Return On NBC
Affleck ditches directing The Batman… Now trying to ditch acting in it?
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