Hosts Sonia Mansfield, Margo D., and Adam Riske from F This Movie practice the Pamchenko twist and dork out about 1992’s THE CUTTING EDGE, starring D.B. Sweeney and Moira Kelly.
Dork out everywhere …
Hosts Sonia Mansfield and Margo D. put on some flannel and dork out about 1992’s SINGLES.
Dork out everywhere …
Hosts Sonia Mansfield and Margo D. would buy that for a dollar and dork out about 1987’s ROBOCOP.
Dork out everywhere …
Hosts Sonia Mansfield and Margo D. try to crack the code and dork out about 1992’s SNEAKERS, starring Robert Redford, Sidney Poitier, River Phoenix, Dan Aykroyd, David Strathairn & Mary McDonnell.
Dork out everywhere …
To the windows, to the walls til hosts Sonia Mansfield and Margo D. dork out about 2009’s THE PROPOSAL, starring Sandra Bullock, Ryan Reynolds, and Betty White.
Dork out everywhere …