Show Rundown: In this week’s episode, we talk about The Walking Dead. We’re not watching it. But everyone else is, so we’re going to talk about it with Peter Brown, associate editor of Assignment, and use it as a jumping off point to talk about what it’s like to not be watching the show everyone else loves. In our second segment “I Should Be Working On It Right Now,” we chat about the books we should be writing. And Peter Brown comes back for our third segment - a roundtable discussion about some of the new trailers that came out last week, including Guardians Of The Galaxy 2, The Arrival and more. All of that, plus our favorite headlines of the week.
Topic 1: The Walking Dead Season 7 and Not Watching Popular Shows
Special Guest Peter Brown, Associate Editor of Assignment X
Topic 2: I Should Be Doing It Right Now
Sonia and Chris talk about their story-making projects
Sign up to be an alpha reader for Chris' project, the novel Jett Jergens and the Infinity Key.
Check out Sonia's blog, and the basis for her upcoming book.
Topic 3: Trailers
Guardians Of The Galaxy 2 teaser (Summer 2017)
The Arrival (final trailer) (November 11)
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