Show Rundown: In this week’s episode, we share our top 3 favorite scary movies with the host of my favorite podcast besides this one, Patrick Bromley from F This Movie. Then we review the new Marvel series on Netflix Luke Cage and the new thriller that just came out this weekend The Girl on the Train. And because of our special guest, we’re skipping our favorite headlines, because our favorite headline is Patrick Bromley is on the show!
Topic 1: Patrick Bromley From F This Movie and Our Favorite Scary Movies
SONIA’S PICKS: The Silence Of The Lambs, Jaws and Poltergeist (Runners-up: The Shining, Psycho, The Haunting)
CHRIS’ PICKS: Schindler’s List, Zodiac, Alien, (TV Movie Special Bulletin, Blair Witch Project, Paranormal Activity)
PATRICK'S PICKS: Nightmare on Elm St., Dawn of the Dead, Fun House
Topic 2: Luke Cage
Marvel’s march to world domination continues with Luke Cage, the latest in Netflix’s very adult, very competent, very slick comic book shows which are all marching to The Defenders, where all of Netflix’ comic book heroes (Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and Iron Fist will fight Sigourney Weaver) will all joining together Avengers-like in 2017.
Topic 3: The Girl On The Train review
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